Currently blogging as I am sitting under a volcano... So awesome!!
Cold, cold, cold water!!! There is not ANY hot or even warm water at my Homestay. They have special soap to clean dishes because there is not hot water to kill germs.... And the cool showers, I'm not sure if ill ever really get used to that!!! My normal 40 minute shower in the US has turned into a 3 minute shower here due to the unmanageable coldness.
Our days of sleeping in during summer break have come and gone... My new "normal" bedtime is 8:30pm and I am up for the day at 5. Our days are jam packed with Spanish class, sight seeing, teaching, hiking, etc, and then spending time and bonding with our host families. So hitting the sheets at 8:30 really feels like midnight to me!!!
A few negatives about the trip so far has been how extremely busy we are. Costa Rica is absolutely amazing so I wish I had a bit more time to take a deep breath and enjoy the moment sometimes instead of being rushed to the next activity. On the weekends (such as right now) we drive to resorts, sight see and go on excursions and then chill at the hotel & swim at the pool. This is an educational trip so I understand the restrictions we have but it would be nice to go out dancing or explore the town sometime!!!
Overall, I've had many positive and not so great experiences but as a whole I know I will only benefit from the positives as well as the negatives.
This trip is definitely preparing me for being a teacher and I have learned on many accounts what I do and don't want to do in my own classroom, how I want to treat my students, and the person I want to be from now on.
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