Thursday, May 16, 2013

Night before!

The trip is finally here! In a few hours I will be boarding the plane to Costa Rica and I am so overwhelmed with so many different emotions... Fear of the unknown, excitement and overall joy for being able to embark on this journey. I am so thankful for all of my amazing friends and family members who have donated and those who are keeping me in their thoughts and prayers. 

This trip is going to tough, but I know that everything will be worth it in the end... And I probably won't want to leave!! Spending time as an SLL learner, being totally immersed in the Costa Rican culture will teach me valuable lessons that I will be able to apply in my future career as a teacher. I will feel exactly how Spanish speaking children feel when they learn in American schools.  Most people do not know what it's like to have that language barrier so I know this will only benefit me in the future! 

I've been up since 3:30am to catch my first flight to Myrtle so it's definitely time for bed :)

**** reminder I will NOT have my cell phone so please email, Skype or check my blog for updates.

1 comment:

  1. well you made it after 2 days of traveling! You are probably so excited to explore a new culture and learn new things! Can't wait to see and hear about your adventures. xoxoxo mom & dad
